Grants Of Up To $10,000 Support Adelaide City Businesses.
The state government in conjunction with the Adelaide City Council have allocated $300,000 to support small businesses impacted by COVID-19.
Active small businesses operating within the Adelaide City Councils jurisdiction will be able to apply for a $10,000 Grant to enhance their outdoor areas.
Inviron Blinds has already assisted many businesses with quotes and installation of outdoor blinds, with both café and Alfresco blind options, plus outdoor umbrellas installed to protect patrons from the Sun, wind and rain.
Inviron Group’s ‘Remote Air’ also has the ability to quote and install outdoor heating and cooling solutions
“Providing a comfortable place to sit outside, out of the weather is important in attracting customers to cafe’s and restaurants in the city and North Adelaide during the COVID-19 pandemic.
More than ever, people need to feel safe and comfortable eating out, or they just wont go.”
says Inviron Group’s Managing Director Tore Pipicella.
Anyone who owns a currently active business or property with a currently active small business in the city of Adelaide/North Adelaide can apply for grants of up to $10,000 to cover 80% of the cost of improvements. Each business will need to fund 20% of the projects cost themselves.
Many businesses will need to adapt what they currently have, better enabling them to cater for current social distancing restrictions, while some will look at this as an opportunity to expand on what they had before.
Outdoor Sun, Wind & Rain Protection Products
Although there are many options for each, we offer 3 core products designed to protect you from the Sun, wind & rain.
They are:
Alfresco Shade Blind
Inviron’s Environshade Blinds are available with 2 levels of protection, Plus & Ultra, providing protection to patrons from the Sun, wind & rain, installed using the Ziptrak Track-Guided Blind System.

PVC Café Blind
Using Marine Grade Clear or Tinted extruded PVC, not laminated, all PVC blinds Adelaide blind company Inviron install use the Ziptrak Track-Guided Blind System to hang them.
Commercial Outdoor Umbrellas
Suppliers and installers of 6 premium commercial grade outdoor umbrellas, including the popular Café Market umbrella shown here at Adelaide Library Café & the Commercial Centre Pole ideal for beer gardens.

Ziptrak Track-Guided Blind System
Ziptrak have revolutionised the outdoor blind industry, eliminating the need for zips, pullies and crank handles with their patented Track Guided Blind System.
Inviron Blinds are proud to be authorised fabricators, suppliers and installers of Ziptrak Blinds, including the pelmets that hide and protect the roll from dirt and dust.
All quality outdoor blinds Adelaide businesses and residents have custom made & installed by Inviron Blinds are hung using the revolutionary Ziptrak System.
Would You Like A Free No-Obligation Quote?
Deal Direct With Inviron, your local Adelaide Outdoor Blinds Manufacturer, Outdoor Umbrella &
Air conditioning Specialists & Save
Call (08) 8369 3437 between 9am & 5pm Monday to Friday to request a free measure & quote, on outdoor blinds, outdoor umbrellas, heating and cooling, at a time that suits you, or simply complete the form below, if it’s outside of office hours and we’ll call you back to answer any questions & arrange a suitable time.